Panhellenic Council Scholarship

The Panhellenic Council Scholarship is awarded to one or more Greek members who meet the following criteria: accumulated a minimum of 45 credit hours completed with a 3.5 GPA and enrolled for the next academic semester. The student must be active and in good standing with a sorority. The student will also answer essay questions put forth through the Office of Greek Life.

Fraternity & Sorority Life
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please share the highlights of your contribution to your individual chapter.
  2. Please share the highlights of your contribution to the sorority community.
  3. As Panhellenic women, we value service, character, and friendship. Please share how you exemplify each of these values throughout your collegiate experience.
  4. How has membership in the Panhellenic community impacted your personal and professional growth?
  5. Please share how this scholarship will aid you in the next academic year.